Reflecting on a Remarkable Year: 2023 at Burleson Plumbing and Heating

2023 was a year etched in our hearts at Burleson Plumbing and Heating. It wasn't just any year – it marked a remarkable milestone: our 75th anniversary! As we celebrated this momentous occasion, we reflected on the legacy of our founders, the unwavering dedication of our team, and the trust placed in us by our community.

Celebrating 75 Years of Excellence

Our anniversary wasn't just about looking back; it was about looking forward. We took this opportunity to reaffirm our core values:

  • Integrity Matters: Guiding our actions with honesty and fairness.

  • Humbly Confident: Acknowledging our expertise while remaining open to learning and improvement.

  • Family Oriented: Fostering a supportive and collaborative work environment where everyone feels valued.

  • Customer Experience Focused: Prioritizing exceptional service that builds trust and lasting relationships.

  • Grow or Die: Embracing a continuous learning mindset to ensure we stay at the forefront of our industry.

These values have been the backbone of our success for three-quarters of a century, and they will continue to guide us as we navigate the future.

Celebrating Our People

Our 75th anniversary wouldn't have been possible without the dedication of our incredible team. This year, we celebrated two long-time key employees, Steve Wise and Bob Jones, on their well-deserved retirements. Their contributions to Burleson Plumbing and Heating have been invaluable, and their presence will be deeply missed. Their commitment and expertise exemplify the spirit that has made our company a success for decades.

Customer Appreciation Day

As a way to express our gratitude to the community that has supported us for 75 years, we held a special Customer Appreciation Day. This event was filled with food, fun, and opportunities for us to connect with the people who have entrusted us with their homes and businesses. We are incredibly thankful for their continued support and loyalty.

Looking Toward the Future with the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS)

As we step into 2024, we carry the lessons learned and the successes achieved from 2023. We are committed to upholding our legacy of excellence, fostering a culture of continuous improvement, and remaining dedicated to serving our community with integrity and dedication.

Here at Burleson Plumbing and Heating, we are excited to announce that in late 2023, we began implementing the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS). EOS is a proven system designed to help businesses like ours achieve greater clarity, traction, and healthy leadership.

Here are some key aspects of EOS that we believe will benefit our customers and employees:

  • Increased Focus and Clarity: EOS helps us clearly define our vision and goals, ensuring everyone in the company is working towards the same objectives. This translates to a more focused and efficient team, ultimately leading to better service for our customers.

  • Improved Communication and Collaboration: With EOS, we implement a structured communication system that fosters open dialogue and collaboration between all levels of the organization. This allows us to share ideas, address challenges, and make informed decisions together.

  • Enhanced Accountability: EOS emphasizes holding ourselves and each other accountable for achieving our goals. This fosters a culture of ownership and responsibility, leading to improved performance and better results.

We are confident that implementing EOS will allow us to continue to grow and thrive as a company, while staying true to our core values and exceeding the expectations of our customers.

Thank you for being a part of our journey!